
将軍Front page illsutration : Hideaki Ebihara 表紙イラスト : 海老原英明Staue of Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康公像 (Okazaki Park 岡崎公園)厭おん離り穢え土ど 欣ごん求ぐ浄じょう土ど言わずと知れた三英傑のひとり徳川家康公。265年も続いた江戸幕府の礎を築きながら、その生涯と精神は意外に知られていない。近年、江戸時代や家康公の業績を見直そうという書籍等の販売が好調だ。過去には家康公をモデルとしたドラマがアメリカで大ヒット。小説「徳川家康」が中国で200万部以上のベストセラーとなり、平成20年(2008)の「最優秀外国書籍」に選出されるなど、時代と国境を越え話題を呼び続けている。家康公の実像に迫るには、そのルーツと足跡をたどることのできる所縁の社寺を訪れてはいかがだろうか。19歳の独立まで少年時代の殆どを織田氏から今川氏へと人質生活の辛酸をなめた家康公は、今川義元の死を機に独立を決意するも窮地に陥り、その際に助けられた大樹寺の登誉上人から「戦国乱世を浄土にするのが家康の役目」と諭され「厭離穢土欣求浄土」の言葉を授かった。この上人の言葉に自害を翻意し、平和の世を築く決意を固め岡崎入城を果たす。以後、この言葉を旗印にし、織田信長、豊臣秀吉の覇権の下にありながら三河武士で有名な精強で忠誠心の強い家臣団の支えもあって頭角を現していく。両雄の死後、関ヶ原の戦いを経て江戸幕府を開くのだが、家康公は自身の死後も見据え、泰平の世を継続させるため教育の奨励や国家づくりのビジョンを後進へ引き継ぐことに力を傾注した。さらに死後は久能山で西の列強を睨み、日光山では関八州(江戸)つまり日本全土の鎮守となると遺言し、家康公の平和への強い思いが窺える。家康公の足跡は、豊かな自然に囲まれ、富士山を望む「愛知~静岡エリア」で体感することが出来る。四季折々、美しく変化する季節の中で、荘厳に佇む徳川家康公ゆかりの社寺たち。そこには、時代を超えた歴史的な貴重なエピソードや見どころの数々が息づいている。On a holy pilgrimage, in touch with history and the seasons.歴史にふれる、季節にふれる「聖地巡礼」の旅へFollow the Footsteps of Tokugawa Ieyasu/HP「徳川家康公の足跡をたどる」特設サイト Tourism Association for Shrines and Temples /HP一般社団法人全日本社寺観光連盟ホームページhttp://jtast.jpUntil Japan was opened to trade with Europe and the United States around the time of the Meiji Restoration which aimed to modernize Japan’s culture, Japan had 265 years of continuous peace and isolation which had helped to foster a unique culture. The lm “The Last Samurai” starring Tom Cruise may still be fresh in the minds of many. The Samurai in this lm walked Edo with a swagger, and it was Tokugawa Ieyasu that established the foundation of Edo. The 1975 novel “Shogun”※, based upon the life of Ieyasu was adapted for TV audiences and became a drama hit in the US in 1980. A novel, “Tokugawa Ieyasu” was published in China in 2007, selling more than 2 million copies and was awarded “best foreign book” in 2008. Tokugawa Ieyasu is loved by all generations and all over the world. If you'd like to know him and old Edo, you should visit those shrines and temples related to him. When Ieyasu was born in 1543, war had ravaged the land and the hearts of the people for more than 100 years. Aichi Prefecture was surrounded by military commanders who yearned for total control so Ieyasu’s ancestors, the Matsudaira clan held onto a small fiefdom which they had to subjugate to a powerful Feudal Lord Daimyo in order to survive. Although Ieyasu spent much of his early days as a hostage※ to the powerful Daimyo Lord Imagawa※, he was fortunate to have a mentor such as the head priest of Daijuji Temple at a crucial point in his life. He received his wisdom in the words, “Leave a corrupted country for the pure land”. Just as these words suggested Ieyasu followed on from Oda Nobunaga※ and Toyotomi Hideyoshi※ to put an end to the period of war and bring peace to the land as his power grew. There is no doubt that the peace Ieyasu longed for was a product of his strong will and educational foundations, which ultimately ripened and manifested in the unique prosperity of the Edo period※.Tracing the steps of Ieyasu ,you can be surrounded by beautiful natural environment and see Mt. Fuji (Aichi-Shizuoka) in its many moods. In the beauty of the changing seasons, the solemnity of the “Shrines and Temples of Tokugawa Ieyasu” is a precious treasure of historical sights and memories that transcend time. In the footsteps of Ieyasu, who devoted his life to following the path to peace.平和の世を望む己の道に命を懸けた家康公の軌跡 e Shogun, the entire world kept their eyes on Ieyasu世界が注目した「SHOGUN : IEYASU」【Licence with an ocial wax seal (Shuin-jo)】 Ocial Licence Interview with Head Priest Ochiai 【Major Feudal Lords who aimed for unication.】 Imagawa Yoshimoto is defeated by Oda Nobunaga with unication in sight, Oda Nobunaga is killed by his own vassals. Toyotomi Hideyoshi takes on the will of his master and unies the nation.【Hostage】 Feudal Lords of smaller regions sent family members as hostages to the homes of more powerful Daimyo Lords in return for protection.【Shogun (Ocial: General Shogun)】 This term was originally used to describe the overall leader of an army which conquered a foreign foe. From the Kamakura Period(1185-1333) onwards it was used to describe the leader of the shogunate who held both military and political authority.【Edo-Shogunate (1603-1867)  Ruling body of government during the Edo period)】 This was the military government established by General Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1603. As the shogunate was based in Edo (modern day Tokyo), it was called the Edo Shogunate. IntroductionGlossary※

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