
文明7年(1475)に徳川家康公の先祖にあたる松平氏宗家第4代当主の松平親忠により創建され、松平氏の菩提寺とされた。“大樹”とは征夷大将軍の唐名であり、一族から将軍が誕生することを祈願して命名されたとされている。寺伝では、永禄3年(1560)、桶狭間の戦いにて敗軍となった家康公はわずか18名の手勢でこの寺に逃げ込んだが、追手に寺を囲まれ自害を決意する。だが、第13代住職の登誉天室の「厭離穢土、欣求浄土(おんりえど、ごんぐじょうど)」―戦国乱世を住みよい浄土にするのがお前の役目―という言葉により翻意。生き延びて天下を平定し、平和な世を築く決意を固めたとされる。寺には松平八代の墓、歴代徳川将軍の等身大の位牌、家康公73歳の時の木像などが祀られている。山門から一直線に望める岡崎城は必見である。岡崎城本丸に鎮座する神社。出世や開運、安産、厄除などのご利益があり、徳川家康公とその家来・本多忠勝公を祭神とする東照宮のひとつ。15世紀の中頃に三河国守護代だった西郷稠頼が岡崎城を築城した際に龍神が現れ、城の井戸から水を噴出させて天に昇っていったという言い伝えがあり、以後、天守に龍神を祀るようになったとか。天文12年(1543)に岡崎城で家康公が誕生した時にも金色の龍が現れたという伝説が残っている。この井戸は“出世開運 龍の井”と言われ現存している他、拝殿の天井には国内最大級の木彫りの鳴龍がある。Address: 5-1 Hiromoto, Kamodacho, Okazaki-shi, Aichi Opening time: April~September 9:00-17:00 (October~March 16:30) Charge: 400 yen for an adult 200yen for schoolchild and junior high school student HP: in the main keep of Okazaki Castle is a shrine known for its ability to bestow good luck, safe delivery, removal of bad spirits and career achievements for those who visit. This shrine is said to house the spirits of Tokugawa Ieyasu and his vassal, Honda Tadakatsu. Legend has it that in the middle of the 15th century when Saigo Tsugiyori built Okazaki Castle, a dragon-god appeared and climbed a spout of water from the castle’s well all the way to heaven. Ever since, the castle has always had a dragon design upon its keep tower. Another legend tells of a golden dragon appearing at the time of Ieyasu’s birth in 1543. This well became known as “the lucky dragon well” and the shrine’s main prayer hall ceiling holds Japan’s largest wooden carved “Roaring Dragon”.Daijuji Temple MAP●2Real Holy Place for Tokugawa Ieyasuwhere he determined to establish peaceful country 大樹寺 徳川家康公が平和の決意を固めた、聖地の中の聖地The Daijuji Temple was built by Matsudaira Chikatada, the 4th in the line of the Matsudaira clan and ancestor of Ieyasu, in 1475 as the family temple or “Bodaiji”. Daijuji was the Tang name given to the temple by the Shogun of the time in the hope that a line of Shogun would be born from this family. Temple records suggest that in 1560, Ieyasu escaped to this temple with the 18 survived men in his losing army at the Battle of Okehazama. Being surrounded by his foes, Ieyasu decided to take his own life. Fortunately, the words of the 13th priest. Toyo Tenshitsu , “Onriedo Gongujodo” told Ieyasu that it was his destiny to end the warring states period and bring peace to the land and he changed his mind. It was this event which steeled his determination to bring peace and calm to the land. The temple contains the grave of the 8th in the Matsudaira line, a life size memorial tablet of General Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu at the age of 73. The main entrance gate provides a must-see view of Okazaki Castle. 愛知県岡崎市鴨田町広元5-1開門時間:4~9月9:00-17:00(10~3月16:30)拝観料:大人400円 小中学生200円HP: 561 Koseicho, Okazaki-shi, Aichi24 hours openAdmission FreeWebsite:愛知県岡崎市康生町561開門時間:常時参拝可拝観料:なしHP: amazed by its majestic appearanceTatsuki Jinja Shrine MAP●1The birth of Ieyasu – legend of the dragon-god at the shrine of success and good fortune.龍城神社 〈家康公生誕時〉龍神伝説が残る“出世開運の神社”The largest carved wooden dragon in Japan●Nagoya●HamamatsuShizuokaToyota●●OkazakiKakegawa●Omaezaki●FujiSuruga BayTokaido ShinkansenMt. FujiMt. DaimugenIse BayFujinomiya●●●AICHISHIZUOKA From Narita International Airport: Take the Narita Express from Narita Airport Station and transfer to the Tokaido Shinkansen(bullet train) bound for Shizuoka Station at Tokyo Station. Estimated travel time: 2 hours. From Haneda Airport: Take the Keikyu line from Haneda International Airport Terminal Station and transfer to the Tokaido Shinkansen(bullet train) bound for Shizuoka Station at Shinagawa Station.Estimated travel time: 1.5 hours. From Mt. Fuji Shizuoka Airport: Take the airport limousine bus bound for Shizuoka Station from Mt. Fuji Shizuoka Airport Station.Estimated travel time: 50 minutes. From Chubu Centrair International Airport: Take the Meitetsu Airport Line from Chubu Centrair International Airport Station all the way to Nagoya Station.Estimated travel time: 40 minutesACCESSPilgrimage Site Map of Aichi & Shizuoka Prefectures愛知〜静岡 巡礼の旅 マップHaccho Soy Bean Paste, “Haccho Miso”This soy bean paste was originally produced in Haccho village, Okazaki city, which is located 870 meters from Okazaki castle where Ieyasu Tokunaga was born, and is still one of the most famous local products produced in the Okazaki area. The distance of 870 meters was known as “Haccho” in ancient times.Mikkabi MandarinsMikkabi Unshu(a brand of mandarin orange) is one of the Japanese citrus fruits produced in the Mikkabi district in Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka. The mandarins originated from the Kishu-Nachi area in Wakayama prefecture and became popular in the Kyoho Era between 1716 and 1735. Mount FujiMt. Fuji has been registered on the World Heritage List since 2013. Worshipped as a spiritual entity, the Sengen Jinja Shrine also known as the Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha sits neatly on the top of the mountain.Green tea Shizuoka prefecture is the largest producer of green tea in Japan.Before the Edo Era, green tea was only for people of the higher classes such as the aristocracy and warriors, but it spread among the common people as well afterwards.Broiled/Grilled Eel known as “Unagi Kabayaki” After the reclamation of Edo Bay (Tokyo Bay today), eel started to populate the Kanto region and became popular as a tasty street food for common people. Narita International AirportHaneda AirportMt. Fuji Shizuoka AirportChubu Centrair International Airport123456789121011

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