age 1age 6age 16age 19age 24age 29age 34age 41age 43age 49age 57age 59age 62age 64age 66age 74age 75Tracing the history of Tokugawa Ieyasu徳川家康の軌跡岡崎城主松平広忠の長男として生まれる。母・於大の方→①岡崎城 ③松平東照宮 ④鳳来山東照宮種子島に鉄砲伝来する宗教改革に対してカトリック教会が開いた、トリエント公会議が始まる人質生活の始まり:織田氏から駿府(静岡市葵区)の今川氏へ→⑦臨済寺フランシスコ・ザビエルによるキリスト教伝来今川家重臣の娘、瀬名と結婚するエリザベス一世即位、25歳で女王となる桶狭間(愛知県)の戦いにて今川義元戦死。岡崎城にて自立する→①岡崎城 ①龍城神社 ②大樹寺フランスのカトリックとプロテスタントによる内戦、ユグノー戦争が勃発松平から徳川に改姓八十年戦争(オランダ独立戦争)が始まる織田信長の援軍として、浅井長政と戦う。居城を浜松城へ移す→⑤浜松八幡宮オスマン帝国海軍とスペインの連合海軍による、レバントの海戦長篠(愛知県新城市)の戦いにて、織田軍と連合し武田軍を破る。スペインがポルトガルを併合するオランダ独立(ネーデルランド独立共和国)宣言武田家滅亡し、遠江国(静岡県、大井川以西)・駿河国(静岡県、大井川以東)を得る。織田信長が本能寺の変にて死す羽柴秀吉(後に豊臣)と小牧・長久手にて戦い、講和スペイン無敵艦隊がイングランドを侵攻したアルマダの海戦近世フランス王国の王朝、ブルボン朝が設立される小田原攻めの論功行賞によって江戸(関東)へ国替えとなる豊臣秀吉死去。五大老のひとりとなり、政務を取り仕切る関ヶ原(岐阜県不破郡)の戦いに勝利する。→⑨富士山本宮浅間大社イギリス 東インド会社設立征夷大将軍に任じられる 江戸(関東)に幕府を開く三男の秀忠に将軍職を譲る。大御所になる駿府城に居城を移すロシアの最後の王朝、ロマノフ朝設立される大坂夏の陣にて、豊臣家滅亡する満州人の国家、清の前身である後金が建国される死去。→⑧久能山東照宮Important dates and events relating to Tokugawa Ieyasu年間行事スケジュールKunozan Toshogu Shrine - 16th,17th February 久能山東照宮 2月16日・17日The Great Spring Festival / Gusoku Festival. The Shrine is decorated with articles associated with Tokugawa Ieyasu and prayer is given in hope of prosperity and peace for the nation.春季大祭・大祭 社殿内に徳川歴代将軍の具足を飾り、国の繁栄と世界平和を祈願するTatsuki Jinja Shrine - April 9th 龍城神社 4月9日Ieyasu Procession - Approx 700 people dressed as Ieyasu and Samurai parade through the streets. (The main event of the Cherry Blossom Festival)平成29年度家康行列 家康公や武士団に扮した約700名が練り歩く「桜まつりのメイン行事」Horaisan Toshogu Shrine April 17th 鳳来山東照宮 4月17日One of the most important festivals held at a Toshogu Shrine on the day that Ieyasu passed away.大祭 家康公が逝去された日、東照宮の一番重要と位置づけられるお祭りKunozan Toshogu Shrine April 17th 久能山東照宮 4月17日A festival in which three special offerings are made to the gods in a serene ceremonious atmosphere.御例祭 三品立神饌が神前に供えられ、厳かな雰囲気の中で行われる大祭Other events その他April 1st 2nd 61st Annual Shizuoka Festival (Ogosho Flower Viewing Procession)4月1日・2日 第61回静岡まつり「大御所花見行列」Late October - Sumpu Tea-pot Procession and Ceremony. A re-enactment of the delivery of aged-tea to Sumpu Castle.10月下旬 駿府お茶壺道中行列・口切りの儀 熟成したお茶を駿府城に運んだ行列を再現する1542 Born as the eldest son of Matsudaira Hirotada and Odai no kata, custodians of Okazaki Castle. → ①Okazaki Castle ③Matsudaira Toshogu Shrine ④Horaisan Toshogu Shrine1543 Arrival of guns on Tanegashima Island1545 The Roman Catholic Church initiates the Council of Trient against a wave of religious reform.1547 Sumpu(currently Aoi-ward in Shizuoka-city)is ruled by the Imagawa clan, where Ieyasu is held as a hostage. →⑦Rinzaiji Temple1549 Francis Xavier arrives in Kagoshima on a Christian mission.1557 Ieyasu is married to Imagawa’s family1558 Queen Elizabeth takes over the throne at the age of 251560 Imagawa Yoshimoto the 9th lord of the Suruga Imagawa family dies in the Battle of Okehazama, and Ieyasu gains independence from the Imagawa clan at Okazaki Castle →①Okazaki Castle, ①Tatsuki Jinja Shrine, ②Daijuji Temple.1562 The French Huguenot Wars of the 16th century begin1566 Ieyasu changes his surname from Matsudaira to Tokugawa1568 The Dutch Revolt known as the Eighty Years War begins1570 Ieyasu battles with Asai Nagamasa, daimyo of Oumi, and relocates his residence to Hamamatsu Castle →⑤Hamamatsu Hachimangu Shrine1571 The Battle of Lepanto is fought between the Ottoman Imperial Navy and Spain.1575 Ieyasu and Oda Nobunaga’s coalition troops beat Takeda Katsuyori’s at the Battle of Nagashino.1580 Spain annexes Portugal1581 Holland declares independence1582 Takeda Family is destroyed and Ieyasu gains Tootoumi (present day Oigawa City West in Shizuoka Pref.) and Suruga (Present day Oigawa city Eest in Shizuoka Pref). Oda Nobunaga dies in an Incident at Honnoji Temple.1584 Hashiba Hideyoshi (later Toyotomi Hideyoshi) concludes the Battle of Komaki Nagakute with an armistice.1588 The invincible Spanish Armada invades England.1589 The Bourbon Dynasty is established in France1590 After making incursions into Odawara, the Kanto (Edo) region is brought under control.1598 Toyotomi Hideyoshi dies. As one of the ve elder statesmen, Ieyasu takes over control of governing the state.1600 Ieyasu is victorious at the Battle of Sekigahara (modern day Gifu Pref.) →⑨Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine1600 British East India Co. established1603 Beginning of the Edo (Kanto) Shogunate by decree of the General Shogun.1605 Ieyasu hands over the position of Shogun to his third son, Hidetada and goes into retirement.1607 Ieyasu moves his home to Sumpu Castle.1613 The Romano Dynasty of Russia is founded.1615 The Toyotomi clan is destroyed at the Osaka Summer Camp.1616 The Aisin Gurun Dynasty is founded in Manchuria, the forerunner to Ching. (The rst Manchurian Statesman.)1616 Ieyasu dies.→⑧Kunozan Toshogu Shrine本宮の本殿は慶長9年(1604)に徳川家康公が関ヶ原の戦いの戦勝の御礼として寄進したものである。全国の名だたる宮大工を集めて造営させ、神社建築では珍しい2階建ての浅間造り。国の重要文化財となっている。その優美な山形の屋根はまるで富士山をなぞらえているかのようで、社殿も明るい朱色。そのため、晴れた日には背後に見える富士山と見事なコントラストをなしている。本大社は日本全国に約1300社ある浅間神社の総本宮と讃えられ、富士山を神体山として祀る神社であり、富士信仰の中心地。開運のパワースポットとして多くの人々が訪れている。駿河の戦国大名・今川家の菩提寺で今川家の人質だった徳川家康公(=松平竹千代)が教育を受けた場所。家康公独立後の永禄11年(1568)に戦乱により焼失してしまうが、天正10年(1582)に正親町天皇の勅命を受けた家康公の手により再建された。現在の本堂はこの時、再建されたもので国の重要文化財に指定。境内は参観自由だが、普段は修行寺のため、建造物や庭園内を拝観出来るのは春秋年2回の特別公開の時だけ。大書院の内部には“竹千代御手習いの間”が復元されている。Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine MAP●9Rinzaiji Temple MAP●7A shrine built by Ieyasu in the heart of Fuji believer country.Study hall of the young Tokugawa Ieyasu 富士山本宮浅間大社 富士信仰の中心地に家康公が築いた社殿臨済寺 幼き日の徳川家康公の学び舎The main hall of this shrine was built to give appreciation for victory at the Battle of Sekigahara by Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1604. Gathering skilled craftsmen from all over Japan this two-story shrine was built in the Sengen-style, a rare thing for a Shinto shrine. With a bright red roof that appears to mimic the shape of Mt. Fuji, this beautiful building is considered as Important Cultural Property of Japan. On a clear day the stark contrast of the building and Mt. Fuji in the background is a powerful sight. Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine is considered to be the pinnacle of the nearly 1300 Sengen shrines built throughout Japan and is used to worship the mountain, which is itself considered to be a sacred object in this Fuji-worshipping region. Many visitors to the shrine do so in the belief that it will bring them good fortune.This temple was the family temple of Suruga state Feudal Lord, Imagawa and also the place where a young Tokugawa Ieyasu was educated during his time as a hostage of the Imagawa family. After Ieyasu achieved his independence in 1568, the temple was destroyed by re during a battle but was rebuilt by Ieyasu in 1582 at the imperial orders of Emperor Ogimachi. The precinct is free to visit but as the temple is a place for training, access to the pilgrimage prayer hall and garden is restricted twice a year in Spring and Autumn. Inside the main guest hall is a recreation of Takechiyo’s learning space. Address:1-1 Miyacho, Fujinomiya-shi, ShizuokaOpening time: April~September 5: 00-20: 00/November~February 6:00-19:00(March and October 5:30-19:30)Admission FreeWebsite: 7-1 Oiwacho,Aoi-ku,Shizuoka-shi,ShizuokaOpening time :9:00-16:00Admission FreeWebsite: power spot to be beheld!静岡県富士宮市宮町1-1 開門時間:4~9月5:00-20:00/11~2月6:00-19:00(3月・10月 5:30-19:30) 拝観料:なし HP:静岡県静岡市葵区大岩町7-1 開門時間:9:00-16:00 拝観料:なしHP: the beautiful garden