
ⒸRegional Shrines and Temples Tourism Council 社寺観光地域連携協議会堪忍Toshogu gongensama 東照宮権現様 (Kunozan Toshogu Shrine 久能山東照宮)Address: 1-6-1 Toshogu, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, MiyagiAdmission FreeWebsite:宮城県仙台市青葉区東照宮1-6-1拝観料:なし HP:天正19年(1591)、東北地方の一揆による混乱を収拾した徳川家康公。その帰途の際に休憩されたゆかりの地に、仙台藩2代藩主の伊達忠宗が家康公を伊達家の守護神としてお祀りする目的で東照宮を創建。現在まで残る本殿・唐門・透塀・石鳥居・随身門は国の重要文化財だ。In 1591 Tokugawa Ieyasu beat back an uprising in the North-East of Japan. Upon his return from this region, Tokugawa Ieyasu stopped to rest in Sendai and it was here that the 2nd clan leader of the Sendai region, Date Tadamune decided to build the Sendai Toshogu Shrine, where Ieyasu was to be worshipped as a protective god. The main hall, Kara Gate, Transparent wall, Stone Torii Gate and Zuijin Gate that remain to this day are important cultural properties.Sendai Toshogu Shrine MAP●12Tokugawa Ieyasu: revered as a god by the Date clan.家康公を守護神に祀った伊達藩主仙台東照宮日光・久能山と並ぶ日本三大東照宮のひとつ。徳川家康公の死後、遺体は久能山に葬られたが、元和3年(1617)の一周忌を機に日光に移葬。その際、途上にある喜多院で4日間にわたる盛大な法要が営まれた縁で寛永10年(1633)、この地に東照宮が造営された。本殿には木像の家康公像が祀られている。The Semba Toshogu Shrine stands as one of Japan’s three great Toshogu Shrines with Nikko and Kunozan. Tokugawa Ieyasu was buried at Mt. Kuno, but in 1617 exactly one year after his passing, he was reburied at Nikko. During the relocation ceremony procession, his body rested at Kitain temple for four days where many of his legends were born and it was decided to build the Semba Toshogu Shrine at this location. In the main hall, there is a large wooden carving of Tokugawa Ieyasu. Address: 1-21-1 Kosembamachi, Kawagoe-shi, SaitamaOpening time: Only on Sunday, 10:00-15:00 (Closed:Mon-Sat)Admission FreeWebsite:埼玉県川越市小仙波町1-21-1 開門時間:日曜のみ10:00-15:00(それ以外は閉門) 拝観料:なしHP: Toshogu Shrine MAP●10One of three great Toshogu Shrines built by the Tenkai Grand Priest.天海僧正が創建した三大東照宮のひとつ仙波東照宮The spirit of Ieyasu can best be described with the word “forbearance”. The precepts of this spirit were forged in his early days as a hostage in the keep of Lord Imagawa Yoshimoto. His beliefs that “If inconvenience is constant, there will be no wants” and that “it is important to always suppress one’s greed and anger” are what eventually led him on the road to peace.Spirit精神家康公の精神とも言える言葉が「堪忍」。今川義元の人質として過ごした幼い頃から養った「堪忍の精神」は「遺訓」としても伝えられる。その一節「不自由を常と思えば不足なし」は、「常に自制し、欲や怒りを抑える心の大切さ」を説き、平和への道とつながっている。この「聖地」もぜひ行ってみたい!More must-see locations!keywordsto understand Tokugawa Ieyasu4徳川家康公を解くキーワード4徳川家康公を祀る日本全国の東照宮の中核的な存在。現在の社殿群はそのほとんどが3代将軍・家光公によって寛永13年(1636)に造替されたものであるが、境内には国宝8棟、重要文化財34棟を含む55棟の建築物が建ち並び、その絢爛豪華な美しさを誇る。川越大師の別名でも知られる天台宗の寺院。慶長17年(1612)、徳川家康公の側近として信頼が厚かった天海僧正が第27世住職となったことで無量寿寺から喜多院と寺号が改められ、翌慶長18年(1613)には2代将軍・秀忠公により関東天台宗の総本山と定められた。この喜多院の南側に仙波東照宮がある。日光山にある3代将軍・家光公を祀った大猷院霊廟や本堂である三仏堂などの寺院群の総称。大猷院の境内には世界遺産に登録された22の国宝と重要文化財が、三仏堂にはその名の通り、千手観音、阿弥陀如来、馬頭観音という3体の本尊が祀られている。The Nikko Toshogu Shrine houses the spirit of Tokugawa Ieyasu and is the headquarters of the Toshogu Organization in Japan. Most of the buildings of Nikko Toshogu Shrine were built by the 3rd Shogun Iemitsu in 1636 and the precinct also contains 8 national treasure buildings, 34 important cultural properties amongst a total of 55 buildings of opulent luxury. This temple of the Tendai sect was the home of the great priest of Kawagoe. In 1612, Tokugawa Ieyasu’s trusted aide, the great priest Tenkai became the 27th head priest of this temple and it was renamed Kitain temple from the original Muryojuji Temple. The following year in 1613, the 2nd Shogun Hidetada bestowed it with the title of Head temple of the Kanto Tendai Sect. The Semba Toshogu Shrine is located on the southern side of Kitain Temple.A generic name for the temples found in the Nikko mountains, it also contains a mausoleum for the veneration of the 3rd Shogun, Iemitsu and the Three Buddha Temple, “Sanbutsudo”. Inside the Taiyuin precinct are 22 World Heritage cultural artifacts and just as its name implies, the Three Buddha Temple enshrines and worships three different Buddhas. (Senju-Kannon, Amida-Nyorai and Batou-Kannon)Address: 2301 Sannai, Nikko-shi, TochigiOpening time: April-October 8:00-17:00 (November-March 16:00)Admission: An adult of 1300 yenWebsite: 1-20-1 Kosembamachi, Kawagoe-shi, SaitamaOpening time: March〜November 23 8:50-16:30 (Weekday) 8:50-16:50 (Sunday Holiday)November 24〜February 8:50-16:00 (Weekday) 8:50-16:20 (Sunday Holiday)Admission: 400 yen for an adultWebsite: 2300 Sannai, Nikko-shi, TochigiOpening time: April-October 8:00-17:00 (November-March-16:00)Box office closes at 30 minutes before the Main Gate closeAdmission: Combined ticket for SanButuDo and Taiyuin An adult of 900 yenWebsite:栃木県日光市山内2301 開門時間:4~10月8:00-17:00(11~3月16:00) 拝観料:大人 1,300円 HP:埼玉県川越市小仙波町1-20-1 開門時間:3月〜11/23 8:50-16:30(平日) 8:50-16:50(日祝) 11/24~2月 8:50-16:00(平日) 8:50-16:20(日祝) 拝観料:大人400円 HP:栃木県日光市山内2300 開門時間:4~10月8:00-17:00(11~3月-16:00)受付30分前まで 拝観料:三仏堂・大猷院 合同券 大人 900円 HP: astute insights allowed him to quickly ascertain where the majority sat and gave him the courage to make the big decisions. At the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute, Ieyasu struck his opponent, Toyotomi Hideyoshi from behind and then again at the Battle of Sekigahara as he led the East army against the Western, he read Ishida Mitsunari’s movements to achieve a splendid victory. He was a talented warrior indeed.Behaviour行動鋭い洞察力で大局を見極め、節目では大勝負に出る決断力も発揮した。豊臣秀吉と相対した「小牧・長久手の戦い」では相手の裏をかく攻撃を展開、また、家康公を総大将とする東軍と、石田三成を中心とする西軍が激突した天下分け目の「関ヶ原の戦い」では西軍の動きを読み見事に勝利。戦上手でもあった。Ieyasu, the founder of the Edo Shogunate managed to revitalize the economy, improve the education system and generally enrich the lives of his people. The reason Ieyasu’s legacy continued for more than one generation is because he was endowed with the strong determination and rare creativity required to bring peace to his country. Creation創造江戸幕府を開いた家康公は経済を活性化させ、教育制度を整えて民の生活の向上を図る。家康公が一代で終わらなかったのは、いかにして平和な世を作るかという強い決意、そしてそれを定着させるための類い稀な創造力があったからだ。When asked by Hideyoshi “what do you treasure?” Ieyasu replied that it was the 500 vassals who were prepared to give their lives for him. The reason his followers were prepared to die for him was tied to the fact that on many occasions he had proven that even when surrounded and greatly outnumbered, he was prepared to bravely fight for them also. Aesthetics美学秀吉から「宝物は?」と問われ、「私のために命を投げうってくれる500人の家臣です」と答えたという家康公。家臣が命を惜しまなかったのは、家康公自身も、大軍に囲まれた少数の家臣のため危険を顧みずに少数部隊で救援に向かったエピソードで紹介されるように、彼らのために常に命を投げ出す覚悟をもっていたからだと言われる。Nikko Toshogu Shrine MAP●11Kitain TempleMAP●10Rinnoji TempleMAP●11The headquarters of the National Toshogu OrganizationIeyasu's aides: The temple of the Grand Priest Tenkai.Along with Toshogu and Futarasan Jinja Shrine, Rinnoji Temple is one of Nikko’s famous “Two temples/One Shrine”日本全国の東照宮の中心家康公の側近・天海僧正ゆかりの寺東照宮、二荒山神社と並ぶ日光“二社一寺”のひとつ日光東照宮喜多院輪王寺Focus on the wooden carving of IeyasuGorgeous and Luxurious!Pride in the beauty of the four seasonsAmazing ancient architecture!Charmed by important cultural properties

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