
holy siteson the Ieyasu trail. Top 10 家康公の足跡「聖地巡礼」10選【愛知~静岡】【Aichi〜Shizuoka】This shrine is dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu and the Matsudaira clan which represent his roots. Inside the grounds of the shrine is a building which was once the home of the Matsudaira clan, called Matsudaira Yakata. The stone walls and moats of which remain to this day. On display next to the prayer hall in the Matsudaira-Go Hall are many items related to Tokugawa Ieyasu and the Matsudaira clan. The shrine also holds the famous birth-water well used for the birthing of many Matsudaira family members and it is said that water from this well was taken in a bamboo pipe by horse to Okazaki Castle for the birth of Ieyasu. This part of the Matsudaira Toshogu Shrine is known as the Matsudaira-Go, the ruins of the hall and castle are registered national historic sites and should not be missed. When the 3rd Shogun Iemitsu heard the story of Ieyasu’s parents, Matsudaira Hirotada and his wife who after learning that they could not continue the Matsudaira line conned themselves in prayer at the Horaiji Temple until they were blessed with a baby and Ieyasu was born, he was so impressed that he built the Horaisan Toshogu Shrine to honour them. First rites were given in 1648 and the prayer hall was completed in 1651. Soldiers heading into battle believed that taking the guardian lions from the shrine would bathe them in the good fortune of Ieyasu and as a result the rst and second lions were cut away from the shrine. The current guardian lions are the third to be installed. The entire mountain on which Horaisan Toshogu Shrine is recognized natural scenic treasure and sacred mountain. Located at the summit of the mountain and surrounded by 400 year old cedars, the scenery has an other-worldly spiritual atmosphere. With the Yuya hot springs and Shukubo nearby it is a great place to stay.徳川家康公とそのルーツである松平氏の始祖・松平親氏を祀る神社である。神社の敷地は、かつて松平氏の屋敷であった“松平氏館”があったところで現在でも石垣や濠などが残されている。拝殿のそばには松平氏と徳川家ゆかりの品々を展示している松平郷館が、また境内には松平氏代々が産湯に使ったといわれる“産湯の井戸”があり、家康公が岡崎城にて誕生の際にもこの井戸の水を竹筒に入れ早馬で届けたとされている。この松平東照宮のある一帯は“松平郷”と称され、館跡や城跡などは“松平氏遺跡”として国の史跡に指定されている点は見逃せない。“家康公の父母である松平広忠卿と於大の方が世継ぎの出来ないことを憂い鳳来寺に参篭したところ、家康公を授かった”という言い伝えに感銘した3代将軍・家光公がその境内に鳳来山東照宮を建立。慶安元年(1648)に発願し、慶安4年(1651)に社殿が完成。出征する兵士が家康公の強運にあやかろうと狛犬を削りとって持って行ったため、1、2代目の狛犬は削りとられてしまった。現在は3代目の奉納狛犬である。鳳来山は山全体が国の指定・名勝天然記念物に指定されている霊山。その山頂近くに位置するため、絶景で樹齢400年以上の杉の巨木に囲まれた神秘的な別天地。近くには宿坊や湯谷温泉があり、ぜひ宿泊したい。Address: 13 Akabara, Matsudairacho, Toyota-shi, Aichi Opening time: 9:00-15:30Admission FreeWebsite:愛知県豊田市松平町赤原13開門時間:9:00-15:30 拝観料:なしHP: : 4 Horaiji, Kadoya, Shinshiro-shi, AichiOpening time : 9:00-16:00Admission FreeWebsite:愛知県新城市門谷鳳来寺4開門時間:9:00-16:00 拝観料:なしHP: elegant historic siteTake a relaxing stroll……のんびり歩く…Matsudaira Toshogu Shrine MAP●3The birthplace of Ieyasu’s ancestors, the Matsudaira Clan. Tokugawa Ieyasu was born at this location on the 26th December 1542. At the age of 19 he made the decision to leave the Imagawa clan at this castle. The story of this castle begins in the rst half of the 15th century when it was originally built in the Myodaiji Temple but it was relocated to Okazaki in 1531 when Ieyasu’s Grandfather, Matsudaira Kiyoyasu became lord of the castle, renaming it Okazaki Castle. Today, only the castle keep and outer citadel ruins remain and are maintained as a part of Okazaki Park. Inside the park, there is the Toshoko Birth Water Well from which the water used in Ieyasu’s birth drawn as well as 20 other places of interest. After climbing to the top of the five-story Okazaki Castle, one can look over the city of Okazaki. 天文11年(1542)12月26日にこの地で徳川家康公は誕生した。19歳の時、今川家からの独立を決意し、旗揚げした城だ。起源は15世紀前半にまで遡り、元々は明大寺の地に築城されていたが、享禄4年(1531)に家康公の祖父・松平清康が城主となった際に現在の位置に移築、改修拡大整備され、岡崎城と称されるようになった。現在は本丸と二の丸跡を中心に岡崎公園として整備され、園内には家康公が誕生した折に産湯にしたと伝えられる井戸水“東照公産湯の井戸”など約20ヵ所の見どころが。5階建ての岡崎城の最上階まで上ると、そこから岡崎市内の景観を一望できる。Address: 561-1 Koseicho, Okazaki-shi, AichiOpening time: 9:00-17:00(An entry is to 16:30)Admission : Okazaki castle and 510 yenWebsite: http://en.okazakipark.jp愛知県岡崎市康生町561-1 営業時間:9:00-17:00(入館は16:30まで) 入場料:岡崎城、家康館共通 510円 HP: Castle MAP●1A landmark commemorating the place where Tokugawa Ieyasu took his rst steps towards independence. 岡崎城 徳川家康公が「独り立ち」した“記念碑的”城A panoramic view of the city.A majestic spiritual world in the mountainsHoraisan Toshogu Shrine MAP●4Staying at the shukubo is fun too松平東照宮 家康公のルーツ、松平氏の発祥地鳳来山東照宮 神秘的な霊山に鎮座する、“荘厳な別天地”

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