Taiyo no Marche(Market of the sun)

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写真 2016-06-14 18 13 24 (4)        Every second weekend of the month, the Taiyo no Marche (or Market of the Sun) is held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Kachidoki. This event is quite similar to an American farmer’s market, consisting of several rows of booths, each booth run by a Japanese farmer trying to sell their produce or products made from produce. Nearly everything being sold at this market is either organic, natural, vegan, vegetarian, or a combination of these. This market draws a heavy crowd of people who enjoy eating and living healthy.

写真 2016-06-14 18 13 26 (3)        The market keeps itself unique and beneficial to the community by offering classes and activities to both children and adults. The activities include everything from crafts to learning about farming. Many of the booths have children working them, wearing cute light blue aprons and bandanas.

        Keeping up with recent trends, the market also offers a collection of food trucks selling delicious snacks and meals such as crepes, pizzas and even fruit juices. When I visited, many people were purchasing food from the trucks and then sitting at picnic tables just enjoying the weather and watching the market take place.

        The atmosphere of the market was very relaxed and charming. I truly felt like I was a part of the community. The vendors were excited to talk to me and help me however they could.

写真 2016-06-14 18 13 24        The market was very interesting because it felt like I was in a small town made up of farmers. However, surrounding the market was skyscrapers and traffic. It was really nice to feel like I escaped the city without actually leaving it. It was also nice to be reminded of where all the foods I eat everyday are coming from and meet the people who make up Japan’s farming community.写真 2016-06-14 18 13 25 (1)

        The Taiyo no Marche is certainly a great way to spend a relaxed Saturday or Sunday. For people living in the Tokyo area, this market gives convenient access to healthy, fresh foods in a fun atmosphere. For people with children, this market gives learning opportunities and awareness of the world outside the concrete jungle of Tokyo. The Taiyo no Marche is an awesome activity for everyone and anyone, and I will definitely be going again.


Taiyo no Marche(Market of the sun) Link:http://timealive.jp/


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